Massages have been a common practice over the years. Even if you need simply to relax yourself, or to relieve body pain, massages are a way to feel better. Not many people are qualified to apply massages. On these days, massages are considered as a real and official medical practice. It is well known that there are many places out there that offer this service. A service that in fact is considered as an alternative therapy to help from body pains, headaches, and similar problems by receiving massage health benefits is a pure gold. Today millions of people worldwide go to massage therapists as a form of regular health-care maintenance.
Therapeutic Effects of Massage
Of course, you should inform yourself about which type of massages can be helpful for your problems, in order to apply for a real solution for them. Well, at this point you must be aware of all this information, but maybe you need a little more in order to proceed with this kind of popular treatments. In order to help you, we have prepared this article, which is intended to supply all extra information you need to know about massage health benefits. Massage helps to ease daily stress and muscular tension, relieve pain from injuries.
Are you looking for massage in Edinburgh or Scotland near you now? Please check out Massages Me UK and search by nearest postcode or location and find massage therapists and places near you.
Physical and Psychological Benefits of Massage
Relief from acute pain79%
Postural change22%
Management of chronic pain50%
Stress Management85%
Energy balancing38%
Emotional release42%
Self care45%
Injury rehabilitation47%
Massage Health Benefits and Effects
There is no way to deny the power of bodywork and massages. Massages can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen and rejuvenating your skin and look.
Multiple studies have shown that massage therapy can make you feel totally relaxed up to 72 hours after the massage, and its long term benefits for the entire body last much longer after that blissfull state of happiness.
Experts say that almost every disease you can have, is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster than stress disease. While eliminating anxiety it helps manage stress. This brings the next consequences:
• Decrease the anxiety levels.
• Makes better your sleep quality.
• Increase your own energy.
• Improves your mental concentration.
• Increases your blood circulation.
• Release good neuro-transmitters which are basically your body’s natural painkiller.
• Reduces your physical fatigue.
Many people report a sense of perspective and clarity after receiving a massage. One of the other aspects of massage that can prove to be helpful, is that the more massage your receive, the more you gain from it’s benefits.
Tired and needing a massage in Bradford now? WIth plenty of tratments available, it is equally important to find suitable massage therapist. Visit MassageMe UK to find massage therapists and places near you in the UK.
Massages are Your Best Friends
Having a massage can be seen as a great tool for improving your overall health and wellbeing. Regular massage can be a step in the direction for increasing your own capability to enhance and practice exceptional self-care.
Do you know the benefits of massages and bodywork treatments?
Slowing down and taking the time to do something that nurtures our bodies in a more gentle way is something we need to do even if it feels like “wasting time” initially. There is no doubt about the fact that massages are a direct healer, and a great pain reliever.
Please take a look at the following list, with some of the magic things a massage can do for you:
• Helps by decreasing pain from Arthritis.
• Asthmatic people start having a better pulmonary function and increased peak air flow.
• Burn injury persons show some reduced pain, itching, and the common anxiety.
• High blood pressure patients show a lower level of diastolic blood pressure and stress hormones.
• Decrease any medical dependence.
• Increase body immunity by stimulation of your body’s natural defence system.
• Make stronger your tight or atrophied muscles.
• Improves mood and elevate energy level.
• Improve sleep, specifically by assisting with circadian rhythms, or the body clock.
• Help athletes of any level prepare for any of their workouts.
• Improve your skin condition.
• Increase your muscles flexibility.
• Believe it or not, it helps with your good mood.
• Reduce any kind of scar tissues and stretch marks on your whole body.
• It helps to increase the amount of oxygen and also helps improving blood circulation.
• Reduce post-surgery marks and pain.
• Reduce spasms and cramping.
• Helps your own body by relaxing overused muscles.
• Relieve headaches and migraine.
• Massages reduce low-back pain and help improving your range of motion.
• It helps to expectant mothers to shorten their possible maternity hospital stays.
The practice of massage has been used for thousands of years. As early as 2700 BC, the Chinese text The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine recommended that “breathing exercises, massage of the skin and flesh, and exercises of the hands and feet” be used to treat paralysis, chills, and fever. In 400 BC, the Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about the necessity for all physicians to use rubbing as a remedy, particularly to treat sports and war injuries. Ancient records from Japan also refer to massage therapy, and the technique is known to have been used by other cultures as well, including the Egyptians, Romans, and Arabs.
Whilst the relaxing benefits of massage are well known, massage therapy can also be holistically integrated into your treatment plan to promote healing and alleviate pain. Massage is so much more than aromatherapy oils and soft music. The manual manipulation of soft tissues has mechanical, physiological and psychological effects too. Manual massage can be used to target muscular spasms, trigger points and hypertonicity in the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and fascia in order to relieve pain and stress. Find massage near me in London and the UK on Massages me now.