What is Swedish Massage?
Swedish massage is one of the most common types of massage therapy in Europe and Western World. Many massages such as deep tissue massage and sports massage have been derived from the Swedish Massage. Swedish massage therapy is performed by therapists having license. Swedish massage is between 70 to 90 minutes and gives best of its results. It provides relaxation of tissues and relief from many pains and injuries.
Massage Technique
Therapist asks for the pain and injuries to analyse the strained body parts. Massage oil is used by the therapists to lubricate the body of the person having therapy. Therapist may ask you to turn around during the massage on sheet or towel. Entirely customized to your body and desired amount of pressure, Swedish massage uses a combination of fluent or gliding strokes, kneading and tapping. Benefits of Swedish massage include increased circulation, pain reduction and a general feeling of wellness and relaxation.
Nudity During Massage
During the Swedish massage person having therapy is generally nude under the towel however underwear can be worn if someone feels uncomfortable being nude. A quality massage therapist will be able to perform an exceptional massage with or without the guest wearing underwear. Most spas offer disposable panties for the body treatment. Sometimes they’re optional, and sometimes the spa requests you wear them.
Benefits of Swedish Massage
• Pain Relief
Swedish massage is used as pain management for sports injuries and chronic pains. Sessions involve targeting specific areas of pain and stress. By using strokes circulation is improved and it increases body-wide relaxation, the massage therapist can help make many painful conditions more bearable. Regular Swedish massage effectively manage the pain and tissues stress and tensions.
• Relief from Depression, Anxiety and Fatigue
Latest studies have shown that the correlation between Swedish massage and reduction in fatigue for cancer patients. Previous research has already shown that massage therapy can boost the immune system and minimize anxiety for people. There are many positive effects to be gained by this massage. Massage therapy is also being investigated as an aid to patients with more neuromuscular disorders. Patients has experienced less depression, lowered anxiety, enhanced social function, better self-esteem and improved body image. Swedish massage is very effective in reducing cortisol, the stress hormone.
• Sports Injuries
Swedish massage also helps in the recovery from sports injuries. Many sportsmen and athletes get injured during games and fall victim of muscle strain, tissues tension and stress. After a massage therapy, sportsmen feel relaxed and cured from injuries and pains.
• Boosting the Immune System
Swedish Massage can boost the immune system by reducing the amount of cortisol; also known as the stress hormone, released in the body. Elevated levels of cortisol are a culprit of weight gain. The hormone attacks the body’s defensive cells that kill off bacteria and viruses, but massage decreases cortisol and therefore improves the functioning of the immune system.
Do not to eat food before, during and after the therapy. Take your time for Relaxation before massage therapy; always try to have 10-15 minutes rest before therapy. Drink water after the massage because it helps in flushing away the toxic matters ejected by the body during massage. Never perform exercise, weight lifting and workout after having massaged because during massage tissues are relaxed so, it may damage them causing more injuries. Never have Swedish massage if you are sick or having fever, digestive disorder, kidney disease or heart problems.